Is it wrong for an adult to put goldfish on her turkey sandwich?
2005-12-17 21:10:26 UTC
Just wondering if I should avoid doing it in public or not.
Five answers:
John C
2005-12-17 21:12:47 UTC
No, absolutely not.

It probably adds a little "texture" to the sandwhich.

It is so hard to find crunchy sandwiches these days.

Pickles help but a crispy pickel can only take you so far in the quest for the perfect crunch.

Also, if someone asks you about why you did it, just tell them you ran out of cheese.
2005-12-18 16:56:48 UTC
Nope! Never wrong unless your eating it infront of a Jew that is easily offended:) Eating meat and dairy (turkey and cheese from the goldfish) is a no-no for Jews and some are not as open minded as others and are offended by seeing others break Kosher.

Also, try plain lays chips:)
2005-12-18 05:15:43 UTC
Wrong? Yes or no, depending on the perspective of the person observing this spectacle.

Polite? No. Any behavior that is considered a spectacle is not polite.

If you persist in this behavior, please make sure the fish is not diseased as it may make you quite ill otherwise.
2005-12-17 22:08:31 UTC
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), would hardly find you question amusing, especially if you didn't de-bone the citer first...
2005-12-18 19:45:48 UTC
just go for it,

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